Organic vinegar



Fischerauer – Organic Vinegar

Fischerauer Organic vinegar is produced from regional fruits or juice from organic certified farmers or juice producers. Best fruits, fresh juice and the taste of  nature give a wonderful and typcial vinegar.

After a variety specific riping time, you can taste the difference. There can be a different taste every year. This depends on the taste of the fruits, which are not always the same every year.


Basic principles of organic production

To be allowed to produce and sell organic vinegars, it is necessary to be certified by an official controlling company. Our controlling company is  “Austria Bio Garantie” , where you can find everything about organic production and processing of organic products.

The controlling and audit is annually. The certificate shows the name of the company, the products which are allowed to be produced and the time of validation.


Download certificate Fischerauer organic vinegar

With this link you can download the certificate. Download

The varieties

As our production is grown with time, we plan to grow the number of varieties of organic vinegar with time. All of our vinegars have the time, they need for ripening. So it will be with our organic vinegar. Find the actually varieties at our  Online-shop at the category “organic vinegar”, where all varieties will be shown. You will also see the controlling logo of Austria Bio Garantie for all of our vinegars.

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